Welcome to CLT badges!
What is a badge?
A badge is a digital mark indicating a completion of a learning event that leads to the acquisition of a specific skill, quality, or knowledge. In a nutshell, digital badges are small images that contain validated and sharable information about the learning event completed by the badge owner and the acquired skills or knowledge. The badges offered by the Center for Language and Technology are created using Mozilla Open Badges. For more information about badges, please watch this video (2 min. 44 sec.).
How can I use a badge?
You can display the earned badges on your personal website, online profile, or in your electronic portfolio. Badges can be used as online credentials to demonstrate your status, represent your learning achievements, and provide a quick information about the skills and knowledge you have attained.
Badges offered by CLT:
- Orientation to Online Learning Badges
- Exploring Blended Learning Badge
Who can receive a badge?
The CLT offers badges for faculty and graduate students in the College of Arts, Languages & Letters (CALL) who participate in the Orientation to Online Learning and complete the required activities or participate in the Exploring Blended Learning series and complete the requirements. Check the following criteria for more information on how to receive a badge for each series:
- criteria for the Orientation to Online Learning badges
- criteria for an Exploring Blended Learning badge