There are two main types of badges offered by the CLT: Orientation to Online Learning and Exploring Blended Learning.
Orientation to Online Learning Badges:
The Series consisted of six 90-minute synchronous sessions organized around the concept of interaction. Participants who obtained the Series badge are estimated to have spent at least two hours between sessions and after the last session. The total time to obtain a Series Badge is estimated at 21 hours.
The Series content addressed three basic skill areas: Content Development, Interaction, and Technology. Sessions focused on one of four types of interaction, namely learner-learner, learner-content, learner-instructor, and learner-community of practice interaction. Sessions provided guided, hands-on practice and consultation opportunities to develop a fully online course.

Participants who received the SeriesBadge earned the following three basic badges:
- Content Development Badge
- Interaction Badge, and
- Technology Badge
See further badge criteria below.

- Developed a welcome letter
- Developed a draft of the student orientation to the course
- Completed the Online Course Outline document
- Attended all sessions or at least 5 sessions and made up work for missing session.
- Submitted at least 5 activities for at least 3 different types of interaction in the two modes (synchronous and asynchronous) to the shared Online Learning Task Grid
- Learner-instructor: Created a video that introduces a course and shared link with facilitator
- Learner-Content: Embedded media content in learning management system
- Learner-Learner: Participated in all Session Discussions in discussion board
- Learner-Community of Practice: Wrote one 3-2-1 blog reflection on 3 TED Ed lessons from the NFLRC Collection on Online Language Pedagogy
- Took a screenshot, annotated it, and posted it on Google Sites or our LMS
- Recorded a short video, upload it to YouTube, and embedded the video in the course website or our LMS
- Created a brief tutorial using a screen capture tool and posted it on the course website or our LMS
Exploring Blended Learning Badge:
An Exploring Blended Learning badge certifies that the badge recipient has completed the Exploring Blended Learning series, gained basic understanding of the principles of blended learning, and become familiar with tools and approaches for creating blended learning experiences in his/her course curriculum.