Welcome to the CLT Orientation to Online Learning!
The CLT Orientation to Online Learning is a professional development series offered to the faculty and graduate students from the College of Arts, Languages, & Letters at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, especially those teaching world languages. Designed and taught by a group of language technology specialists from the Center for Language and Technology (CLT), this series aims at introducing the participants to the basic principles and concepts of online teaching and learning. Instructors who complete the orientation will gain basic familiarity with theoretical and practical aspects of designing an online course, starting from either the adaptation of a traditional course or the creation of an entirely new one, as well as with the resources available to them at UH. They will also be able to earn digital badges that recognize the successful completion of the series.
What does the series cover?
The series covers three basic skill areas–Content Development, Interaction, and Technology–and progresses through six live sessions (or four sessions in Summer) supplemented with online content and interaction. Each of these sessions provides guided, hands-on practice and consultation opportunities to develop a fully online course. Instructors who need special accommodations to participate in or complete the orientation should contact the CLT.
How do I participate in the series?
Registration is required for participating in the Faculty Orientation to Online Learning. To register for Fall 2020 (Sept. 17 through Oct. 22, 1:30-3:00pm), first make sure you are logged in to your UH account (Gmail or Drive, for example) in your browser, and then please click through to complete this registration form. Deadline for registration is Sept. 8, though we may close registration earlier if the roster is full.
For more information about the Faculty Orientation to Online Learning, please explore this website or contact the Center for Language and Technology.