Julio C Rodríguez

CLT Director | Moore Hall 256 | julio.rodriguez@ hawaii.edu | LinkedIn

My work is situated at the intersection of language learning and technology. Within this broad area, I am particularly interested in the integration of technology into language teacher and faculty development programs, project-based language learning, materials development, online course design, and design-based research. The intersection between those areas of language learning and technology present enormous opportunities, quite possibly many more than one could even begin to explore in a lifetime. View my profile for more information about how I ended up in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Selected Publications

Chuang, H., Rodríguez, J. C., Suvorov, R., & Tschudi, S. Professional Development for Online Language Educators. In L. Lavolette & E. Simon (Eds.). Language Center Handbook. International Association for Language Learning Technology. Book chapter submitted for publication. [submitted draft]

Rodríguez, J. C. (2016, July 25). What is project-based language learning (PBLL)? CASLS InterCom newsletter. Retrieved from http://tinyurl.com/jpzp6sz

Rodríguez, J. C. (in press). Design-based research. In C. Chapelle & S. Sauro (Eds.), The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning. New York: Wiley. [submitted draft]

Editorial Work

Series Editor. NFLRC Monograph Series.

Rodríguez, J. C. & Pardo-Ballester, C., (2013) (Eds.). Design-based Research in CALL. CALICO Monograph Series, Volume 8. San Marcos, TX: CALICO. [PDF]

Technical Reports

Yoshioka, J. & Rodríguez, J. C. (2016). NFLRC 2016 Intensive Summer Institute: Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) and Interculturality. Honolulu, HI: National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Brown, J. D., Trace, J., & Rodríguez, J. C. (2016). Stakeholder Views of the Place of Technology in Flagship Programs. Honolulu, HI: Center for Language & Technology, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Available online at: http://lftic.lll.hawaii.edu/?page_id=1618 (click on Flagship Survey Full Report at the bottom).

Yoshioka, J. & Rodríguez, J. C. (2015). NFLRC 2015 Intensive Summer Institute: Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) in Action. Honolulu, HI: National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa. http://dx.doi.org/10125/14577

Selected Workshops

Rodríguez, J. C., Chuang, H., Suvorov, R., & Tschudi, S. (2016, May). Technology Tools for Language Teachers and Learners Beyond the Classroom. [Full-day workshop] CALICO Conference, East Lansing, MI. [workshop website]

López, L., Montgomery, C., Scheller, L., Chuang, H., Rodríguez, J. C., Suvorov, R. & Tschudi, St. (2015, July). Project-based Language Learning in Action [One-week Intensive Summer Institute]. National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. [insitute website]

Aloush, A., Godwin-Jones, R., Johnshoy, M., Murphy-Judy, K., Rodríguez, J. C., Tschudi, S., & Youngs, B. (2015, May). Basic Online Language Design and Delivery [full-day workshop] CALICO Conference, Boulder, CO.

Resource Websites

Rodríguez, J. C. & Tchudi, S. (August, 2014). Design Studio.
This website was conceptualized and developed as a support resource for the Faculty Orientation to Online Learning series offered by the Center for Language & Technology. This 5-module series was first taught in the Fall 2014.

Rodríguez, J. C. (June, 2013). Study Abroad in Mendoza.
This website was created as a support resource for students on the Study Abroad Program in Argentina which I directed in 2013.

Selected Presentations

Chuang, H., Rodríguez, J. C., Suvorov, R., & Tschudi, S. (2016, May). Building Immersive Learning Experiences through Simulations. CALICO Conference, East Lansing, MI. [PDF]

Rodríguez, J. C. (2016, January). Realizing the potential of project-based language learning in foreign language education [Webinar]. IFLE Grantee Showcase. Available: https://youtu.be/XdqJrnAo_-o

Rodríguez, J. C., Montgomery, C., Scheller, L., López, L., & Tschudi, S. (2015, November). Project-Based Language Learning Experiences: Inspiring Teachers, Transforming Learning. ACTFL Conference, San Diego, CA. [PDF]

Chuang, H., Rodríguez, J. C., Suvorov, R., &Tschudi, S. (2015, November). Preparing Teachers to Design Project-Based Language Learning Experiences. ACTFL Conference, San Diego, CA. [PDF]

Tschudi, S., & Rodríguez, J. C. (2015, November). Project-based Learning: How to Spot the Real Thing. ACTFL Conference, November 20, San Diego, CA.

Rodríguez, J. C., Chuang, H., Suvorov, R., & Tschudi, S. (2015, May). Badge of Skill: Faculty Training for Online Course Development. CALICO Conference, Boulder, CO.

Rodríguez, J. C., Chuang, H., Suvorov, R., & Tschudi, S. (2015, May). Weaving Technology with Project-based Language Learning (PBLL). CALICO Conference, Boulder, CO.

Rodríguez, J. C., Tschudi, S., & Jiang, S. (2014, November). Make it a Project: Meeting Diverse Challenges with Project-Based Learning. ACTFL Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Rodríguez, J. C., Rosenbusch, M., Langer de Ramirez, L. (2012, November). Meeting a National Need: Collaborative, Online K-8 Teacher Preparation. ACTFL Conference, Philladelphia, PA.

Center for Language & Technology
1890 East-West Rd. Moore Hall 256
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone | 808.956.8047
Fax | 808.956.5134

cltmanoa @hawaii.edu