The Web Audio Utility (WAU) allows students to post voice recordings to online discussion forums. Instructors create a course site in WAU and populate it with various listening and speaking activities. These activities are typically organized as discussion threads however over the years instructors have used WAU to provide other kinds of activities such as quizzes and writing tasks. Students can login into WAU, navigate to their instructors course section and participate in the activities provided. WAU currently supports six different kinds of activities:
- Discussions
- Pages
- Messenger Activity (Private Forums)
- Word Association Exercises
- Interactive Tag Clouds (Beta)
- Tag Cloud Gallery Walk (Beta)
WAU is open to the University of Hawai‘i community as well as other affiliated campuses including our state’s other islands! WAU has supported over 2200 users in over 400 courses since its deployment in 2005 and its reimplementation in 2010.