The Center for Language & Technology (CLT) is a specialized professional service and research unit whose goal is to enhance and support the research, learning, and teaching of languages through the use of technology. CLT faculty and staff design, engage in, facilitate, and promote programs of research and development that impact how languages are learned, taught, and assessed. By engaging in these activities, the CLT generates knowledge and expertise that is disseminated locally, nationally, and internationally in numerous ways, such as professional events and publications.
The CLT fulfills its kuleana through scholarly activities and services that are specific to language teaching and learning, such as
a) supporting the research and development of technology-based materials;
b) providing professional learning opportunities on technology integration;
c) providing expertise in instructional media design, production and delivery;
d) researching and supporting innovative technology tools and pedagogical approaches; and
e) providing flexible, technology-rich physical spaces that are designed with consideration of the technology needs for language teaching and learning.
The CLT offers professional consultation and support for curriculum development, online and blended learning, human language technology, design and production of specialized digital materials or resources; human language technology and assessment, and production of media for language research and instruction.
The CLT engages in and supports research and practice. CLT research and scholarship appear in major national and international publications. CLT support for research and practice includes specialized rooms; multimedia labs equipped with specialized software and hardware; video and film projection rooms; teleconference and seminar rooms; and technology research rooms with specialized instructional and research equipment (e.g., interactive board, eye-tracking hardware and software, EEG, etc.).
The CLT leverages its professional and research capabilities and specialized physical spaces to secure sponsored funding. Currently, the CLT is home to two prestigious national programs: the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC), sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, and the Language Flagship Technology Innovation Center (Tech Center), sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense.