2016 Demos & Discussion series:
The Fall 2016 Demos & Discussion series, co-organized by the NFLRC and CLT, showcases exciting innovations in language teaching and research and provides a convenient professional development opportunity for LLL faculty and graduate students.
September 9, 2016
12.30p – 1.30p
Moore Hall 155A
Singing Our Way to Well Be-Coming
Tim Murphey, Kanda University of International Studies
NOTE: Dr. Murphey’s session will be videorecorded.
Well-being is a state of general “wellness” which can make us lazy in our efforts to improve the world. I have proposed “well-becoming” as a more active, procedural way to conceptualize the quest for well-being. Inspired by a colloquium recently in Finland I wish to explore how we can “well be-love” or do “well be-loving,” in a Barbara Frederickson positive psychology way that enhances our health and happiness as she describes in her book Love 2.0 (2013). I believe that one of the ways that this happens in my classes is through singing short songlets, with call and response routines, which begin as speed dictations that students help each other with and then turn into short conversational routines.
I will be singing with the audience several songlets which basically answer some our most enduring questions in our lives and whose answers give us guidance and hope: How are you? How do you have a good life? How do you succeed? What do you like? What do you love? Who do you love? What should we notice? What is good advice? These can then become call and response short conversation with our students. I will have further documentation about the benefits of singing from a variety of disciplines.
October 10, 2016
12.30p – 1.30p
Moore Hall 258
Getting Published in Journals
Editorial staff of the journals Language Learning & Technology, Reading in a Foreign Language, and Language Documentation & Conservation
Want to get your articles published in academic journals? Come join the editorial staff of Language Learning & Technology (LLT), Reading in a Foreign Language (RFL), and Language Documentation & Conservation (LDC) at this special presentation. They will discuss their journals and their own submission & review process, while also providing strategies and tips for getting published in refereed journals in general.
November 29, 2016
12p – 1p
Moore Hall 155A
Project-Based Language Learning @ UHM
Rachel Mamiya Hernandez (LLEA) and Yumiko Tateyama (EALL)
This talk will showcase two exciting courses at UH Manoa that incorporated project-based language learning (PBLL) and created exciting public products. The first presentation will highlight the implementation of PBLL in the Portuguese L2 classroom and beyond, in a project that connects learners from different parts of the world in building literacy skills. The second presentation will describe a Japanese campus map and guide project implemented in a new English to Japanese translation course offered at UHM. Project rationale, process of implementation, outcomes, and challenges will be discussed.