ChatGPT & Other AI Tools: Opportunities & Challenges

May 4, 2023 @ 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Pacific/Honolulu Timezone
In-Person: Moore Hall 257 & Zoom
1890 East-West Rd
HI 96822
Center for Language & Technology

Julio Rodriguez, Director, CLT, UH Mānoa
Naiyi Xie Fincham, Assistant Faculty Specialist in Instructional Design, CLT, UH Mānoa
Richard Medina, Assistant Faculty Specialist in Human-Computer Interaction, CLT, UH Mānoa

Recent exponential advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have brought exciting new opportunities for innovation in world language education. Among the most notable of the AI-based tools is ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, which has received considerable attention due to its ability to generate human-like text, engage users in interactive conversations, and automate time-consuming tasks, such as summarizing a text. 

In this session we will demonstrate a few AI technologies and some of their key features. We will also provide opportunities for participants to try them and discuss their potential to support or enhance language teaching and learning.  

Come join us in this highly interactive session and together let’s envision the (near) future of world language education in the era of AI.